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New pics pour in as I create them.



This piece is made in 1 hour and it placed 3rd in Assembly 05 FastGFX competition.

A photo manipulation.

Christmas card to my friend.

Two photos combined.

Flesh and bones.

This picture competed in ASM 2003 drawn graphics.

Assorted cartoon characters.

A colorful logo for a game project.

Ok, I used photo reference all the way, but hey, at least I added some leaves! (Yes, they are leaves.)

I'm trying to get a fairly realistic anatomy into my characters, and I find this is a pretty decent try.

An ugly creature, no photo reference used (how could I?).

Go Lance go! Photo refenrence was used, and this one turned out to be great!

Cute something... An evil ewok?

Warhammer inspired stuff. I really dig the atmosphere and debris I managed to create.

Ho ho ho! Who could he be? This piece of work took part in 3D Palette contest that never really was solved, argh.

This is an old one, but I remember how proud I was when I created this. It's a CD cover.